You Can’t Be Neutral When You Meet Jesus!
Bible Text: John 11 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
What is your reaction to Jesus?
—- Pastor Lou’s Notes ——-
* Response to a Jury Duty Summons.
* Response to a letter from the I.R.S.
* Response to an invitation.
1. Some Believe
1. Many of the Jews who came to comfort Mary trusted Jesus after they witness the miracle of Lazarus
2. The language here suggests that their belief was a deep belief of the whole person.
2. Some Don’t Believe
1. The Pharisees were the religious body
1. They prided themselves of their understanding of Scripture
2. They prided themselves on their superficial acts of keeping the rules
2. The Sanhedrin was the political body.
1. This was meant to be composed of priests and the High Priests
2. When Rome came into power, they would put the high priest in power who would favor Rome.
3. Caiaphas is the high priest
1. Arrogant
2. Pragmatic
3. Not moral or concerned with doing the right thing
4. The prophecy made unknowingly through a bad man
3. Get rid of Jesus
1. Take down the 10 commandments
2. Not allowed to mention His name in the public square because it might offend some.
3. Get rid of the Bible
1. No one likes to be convicted of sin!
2. If one gets rid of the conviction of sin, there is no perceived need of God’s grace.
3. The message of the cross is politically incorrect
4. There can never be a neutral response to Jesus Christ
1. His call is a call to be different
1. Call to repentance
2. Call to humility
3. Call to forgiveness
4. Call to new life
5. Call to love as Christ loved
6. Call to be counter cultural
3. What is our response as we come around the Lord’s Table?
1. All Christ followers are invited to the Table
2. It is a place for self-examination
3. It is a place for repentance and receiving forgiveness
4. It is a place to remember the cross and look forward to Jesus’ second coming
5. The invitation to the table is the invitation of God’s grace in Christ