Worship From a Heart of Love!
Bible Text: John 12 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
What does worship mean to you?
—- Pastor Lou’s Notes ——-
The Basin and Wash Towel
Timing: six days before the Passover. Context: Plots were already in place to kill both Jesus and Lazarus. It was dangerous for Jesus to be in the area of Jerusalem.
1. Worship from a heart of love honors Jesus
1. Martha cooked and served.
1. Martha was serving without distraction unlike the first dinner with Jesus
2. Sacrifice of the best food
3. Sacrifice of time
4. Sacrifice of hospitality
2. Mary anointed Jesus
1. Sacrifice of a very expensive perfume
1. Prophetic
2. Illustration: Too many times we wait until someone is dead to honor them. Instead of putting a rose on the coffin, why don’t we give a rose to the person to honor them when they are alive?
3. Sacrifice of getting push back from the culture
2. Sacrifice of service e.g. washing Jesus’ feet
1. This work was reserved for slaves
2. Mary recognizes her lowly position as a sinner as she was with Jesus
3. Worship is prophetic
4. Worship can take us out of our comfort zone
1. Illustration: Jack Hayford. Jack, will you dance for me?
5. Worship is medicinal
6. Worship expands our souls
7. Worship exercises our love.
2. Worship from the heart is a fragrance to God and others in the house
1. When we worship in Spirit and truth from our hearts, there is a sweet fragrance that will fill the place of worship
2. By default, this will have a positive influence on others who want to worship Jesus
3. People who don’t worship Jesus will
1. Selfish, arrogant, manipulative: Judas
2. Try to get Him out of the picture: The chief priests
1. How many have done something wrong as a kid or an adult, and you tried to hide the evidence from your parents,spouse, or teacher?
3. Try to get rid of the evidence that He is the Savior: The chief priests plot to kill Lazarus
4. The challenge
1. How extravagant is our worship and love for Christ?
2. Are we willing to sacrifice in worship?
3. See 2 Samuel 24:24
We are often so caught up in our activities that we tend to worship our work, work at our play, and play at our worship.
Charles Swindoll