“Will the Real God Rise?” Acts 17:16-34
Intro: Solomon wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that there is nothing new under the sun: He said it this way, 9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ec 1:9. In this passage, Paul faced the same kind of religious idolatry, cultural, and political pressures which are present in our context today. Let’s take a look at Athens during Paul’s stay there. It was in economic, political, religious decline. Even at that, it was still of some influence in the known world at that time. The people in Athens were interest in philosophies and debating “new” ideas. In fact, many men of the time would spend their days debating and arguing philosophies and new ideas. So when Paul started preaching and teaching in the synagogue and in the market place, word traveled fast about this man who came with a new idea. There were many religious idols in the city and an alter to “The Unknown God”. Also, there were two pagan groups that were present and influential in Athens; The Epicureans, and the Stoics. The Epicureans believed solely in the pursuit of pleasure and were atheist’s. The Epicureans were consumed with going after pleasure and very fine foods. They sought truth only by experience and feelings, not reason. The Stoics believed there was a “World God”. They believed that God inhabited matter e.g. pantheism. Pleasure was not good and pain wasn’t evil, but reason was the guiding principle so they would be unmoved by feelings. Do we see some of the same issues in our context today? Paul Reveals the Real God that Could Be KnownGod is the CreatorHe made the world and everything in itHe is the Lord of heaven and earthGod is self-sufficientGod isn’t confined to a building of inanimate object e.g. idolsGod is the giver of lifePhysicalSpiritualAll the human race comes from AdamGod is sovereign over historyGod marked our appointed time in historyGod marked out the boundaries of their landsGod makes Himself knownSo that all nations might seek Him, reach out for Him and find HimGod is never far away from usGod sustains us and give us purposeWe are all born in His imageIdols are dead and powerlessGod is a God of GraceGod provided His Son for our forgiveness and salvationGod now commands that all people everywhere repentThere is coming a day of judgement by the man He appointed, The Lord Jesus ChristThe proof the Jesus is fully God and fully man and our Savior is the resurrectionJesus, God in the flesh, rose from the grave and conquered sin, Satan, and deathThe Gospel Needs a R.S.V.PWe some heard about the resurrection, then surged it off as non-senseOthers wanted to hear more on the subjectSome people believedDionysius, a member of the Areopagus, and a women named Damaris, and a number of othersClosing:How we respond to the gospel is the most important decision we will ever make. The gospel must be proclaimed in love but very directlyNot all will believe, but we cannot give up! The Lord’s Table