Why is Good Leadership Important?
Bible Text: Micah 3 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: As you all know, there have been and continues to be many leadership failures in both the secular and church realms. There are quite a few reasons for leadership failure. What factors do you think contribute to leadership failure? Does character matter in a leader? Our culture has evolved into a pragmatic culture. That is to say we think that if a leader gets results, his/her character doesn’t matter. This is a prescription for failure on many levels. ultimately, true character, either good or bad, is exposed.
There is another misconception about what a leader is. Commonly, we confuse the roles of a manager and a leader. Dr. C. Robert Clinton makes this statement, “Generally speaking, a manger is only concerned with doing things right. A leader is concerned about doing the right thing” according to inner convictions informed by biblical principles. There is a big difference.
I invite you to let the prophet Micah give us insights about leadership:
1. Why Leaders Fail
1. Bad principles v. 1-5
2. Selfishness, Greed, Pride v. 11
3. Immaturity and the lack of Godly wisdom
4. Unteachable spirit
2. Symptoms of Leadership Failure v.1-5; v. 9-11
1. Extortion
2. Corruption
3. Control and manipulation
4. Denial and burying failure
5. Leading a public life that is different than the private life
3. Consequences of Leadership Failure
1. Breakdown of the culture
2. Denial-not facing the truth
3. Rationalizing that God is ok with it all
4. The voices of powerless people silenced
4. How Does All This Apply Today?
1. Effective leaders need to be constant learners
2. Effective leaders need to lead, not just manage
3. Effective leaders serve people with the wash towel and basin
4. Effective leaders seek God’s wisdom
5. Effective leaders are not afraid to tell the truth in love
1. They don’t worry about the consequences
6. Effective leaders admit and confess their sins and weaknesses
7. Effective leaders are appropriately transparent and accountable
I believe these insights apply to both secular and church leadership. Integrity, spiritual maturity, and a servant’s heart need to come from deep convictions informed by the Word of God. These convictions need to be burned into our inner being so that we are constantly transformed from the inside out. In some way, every one of us is called to be leaders e.g family, school, work, community. Our churches and our country desperately needs men and women of integrity.
Are we willing to commit to the type of discipleship that can help us with inner transformation from the inside out? Are we willing to let God transform us into people of biblical integrity? The decision is yours and yours alone to make between you and God.
We need leaders who are authentic and live congruent lives. That is who are the same in public and as they are in private.