“Why Is Discipleship So Important?” Acts 14
Intro: Would you agree that we are increasingly bombarded with all sorts of information on a daily basis? One of the frustrations is that we hear and read contradictory reports, we can get to a point where we don’t know who to believe. Let me give you some examples: There is a problem that needs to be addressed on several levels. First, because we are all born with original sin, we battled with pride, power, delusion, and a damaging world view. Second, our sin nature has a tendency to believe a lie, rather than God’s truth as revealed in Scriptures and Jesus Christ. Third, sin makes our lives and relationships dysfunctional. A dysfunctional system will always try to maintain itself. So, when the truth of the Scriptures and Jesus Christ is introduced into a dysfunctional system, there are several choices that we need to face. If we want to maintain the dysfunction, we will reject the truth. We will discredit or distort the truth. Or we will try to eliminate the truth by discrediting the messenger or getting rid of the messenger? In Acts 14, Dr. Luke gives us some valuable insights regarding this phenomena. I would like to suggest to you that as Christ followers, you and I need to be grounded in the Scriptures, good biblical theology, so that we can discern the truth from the lie. This is why discipleship is paramount in today’s church. Satan does not want discipleship to take place. Here are some of the tactics he will use. The Tactic of Division v. 1-7Preaching in the synagogue was exceptionally effective a great number of Jews and Greeks believedThe Jews who refused to believed stirred up the Gentiles who refused to believeThey poisoned the mind of these people against Paul and BarnabasHow did Paul and Barnabas respond? They spent time with the new believers disciplining themThey spoke boldlyThe Lord confirmed their message with sign and wondersDivision demands people take sidesThe opposition and the leaders plotted and wanted to mistreat themThose against the gospel wanted to stone the messengers to deathPaul and Barnabas found out and left and fled to Lycaonian and continued to preach the gospelThe Danger of Misunderstanding v. 8-20The people of Lycaonian misunderstood that the signs and wonders are intended to point people to the grace of God and Jesus ChristPaul and Barnabas responded strongly and decisivelyTore their clothesMade it clear they were only humans just like themThey are bringing good news urging them to turn form worthless things and turn to the living GodThey affirmed God as CreatorHe shows that He respects human decisionsBy His grace, He provided them with rain for their crops that provides them with plenty of food fills their hearts with joyEven with these words, Paul and Barnabas had difficulty with keeping the crowd from sacrificing to themThe Tactic of EliminationThe opposition shows its face again and stones Paul and leaves him for dead but he recoversGetting rid of the messenger doesn’t necessarily get rid of the message when Christ is involvedThe Solution to Persevering v. 21-28Paul and Barnabas left for Derby and preached the gospelThey won a large number of disciplesThey didn’t let adversity or discouragement set in and divert them from the work of the gospelNotice the Scripture say they won a large number of disciples (learners) not convertsDiscipleship strengthens and encourages them to remain true to the faith and Jesus ChristThey explained why God allows hardship and suffering for the disciplesTo deepen our trust in GodTo learn more about HimTo learn more about usTo help us persevereThey trained people and appointed leaders in each churchThey made this decision with much prayer and fastingThey commissioned them before the LordPaul and Barnabas were now free to take the gospel to other placesThey were committed to discipleship Closing: No one came make you study the Word and theology. This is a continuing decision all Christ followers every day of our lives. This is the only way we will be grounded in our faith, own our faith. and grow in our faith and our relationship with Jesus. So, will you commit to learning from godly and competent pastors and teacher? Let me give you an example: