Who or What Is On Your Heart’s Throne?
Bible Text: Colossians 3 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: If I were to ask you what are the most important relationships in your life, how would you respond? I want to suggest that if our relationship with Christ isn’t right, then our most important relationships will be negatively affected. If Christ is on the throne of our hearts, then He can Lord of our relationships. There is a diagram I would like to share with you that might help visualize this concept.
1. Paul Addresses the Most Important Relationship: The Family
1. I believe the stability of a society and consequently a country depends upon the stability of the family.
1. Paul addresses wives
1. Constantly submit to your husbands
1. This can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit and it must be a constant submission.
2. Remember that Paul defines this submission in Ephesians 5:21 where he addresses the same issue: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Eph 5:21.
3. This is a submitting to Christ first and to a husband who is also submitting to Christ so that mutual submission is possible.
4. The guideline of this submission is, “as is fitting to the Lord. That is within the bounds of Scripture and biblical love.
5. God designed marriage in which the Husband is the head. The husband is not superior to the wife, but has the responsibility for the spiritual state of the family.
2. Paul addresses the husbands
1. Constantly love your wives
1. Again, this can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit
2. Remember, In Ephesians 5, Paul commands the husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church! This is a selfless and sacrificial love that is based on a sacred commitment.
1. This love is willing to love no matter what the sacrifice
3. The husbands’ attitude should be one of kindness and gentleness not harshness.
1. Not losing tempers
2. Not making un-biblical demands
3. Be compassionate and understanding
3. Paul addresses the children
1. The children are to be obedient and continue to be obedient to their parents
2. Obedience is to be within the boundaries of the moral principles of Scripture
3. Remember, in the Old Testament, disobedient children were addressed strongly e.g. Ex. 21:17; Lev. 20:9
4. There are two errors parents can make
1. Being overly strict with unreasonable punishments resulting in a broken and deeply discouraged spirit.
2. Having no boundaries resulting in the lack of respect for any authority
4. Paul addresses Fathers/Parents
1. Paul wants parents to raise their children with love, compassion, and biblical boundaries.
2. Parents to make time to be with their children, talk and listen to them, make clear boundaries and consequences
3. Parents must be consistent
4. Parents need to model behaviors