Who is This Jesus?
Bible Text: Colossians 1 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: What are some of the important questions a person needs to answer? For example, is this the right career path for me? Is this the right vocation or college to attend? Is the this right house for us? Is this the right person that I want to marry? I am sure there are many more. I want to suggest that the most important question that a person must answer is who is Jesus Christ? How we answer that question is a the difference of life or death.
Explain the context for the false gnostic teachers that were infiltrating the church at Colossae. People started to worship angels and knowledge rather than worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many counterfeit voices, religions and philosophies in our culture and world that would teach that belief in Christ is not the only way to be made right with God. What is the best way to deal with with these conflicting philosophies? Paul gives us clues in this passage. Just present the truth of who Christ is!
Illustration: What law enforcement does to identify counterfeit money.
1. How is Jesus Christ?
1. Christ is God Incarnate v. 15
1. He is God in human flesh John 14:9 “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father”
1. Christ is the visible manifestation of God
2. Christ is the image of the very substance of God e.g “Christ is the perfect resemblance and representation of God the Father” (John F. Walvoord, Roy B. Zuck and Dallas Theological Seminary, The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985)
2. He invaded time and humanity
3. He was born into tough times to a poor family
4. Christ is fully human and fully divine
2. Christ is preeminent over all creation v. 15
1. He always was e.g. before creation
2. He is above all
3. He is the King of the universe
1. He is the One who created all the laws of physics and the only one who can supercede them to perform a miracle
3. Christ is Creator v. 16
1. He spoke everything into being
2. He created both the visible and invisible worlds
3. He created the powers, rulers, and authorities
4. He created all things
4. Christ is Eternal and our Sustainer v. 17
1. He always was and will be
2. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow
3. He holds all things together e.g.recreates continually
4. He is supreme!
5. Christ is the Head of the Church v. 18 Part 2
1. He is the Head and we are His body
1. Pastors and leaders are under shepherds
2. He is the foundation
1. His Word is the primary authority over any tradition and trends
2. He give us the Holy Spirit to open our heart, mind, and will so we can understand His Word
3. The body of Christ includes all who have trusted in the finished work of Christ at the cross and the resurrection
1. He give us the Holy Spirit who gives us the desire and the power to obey Him and go forth in ministry
6. Christ is alive
1. He defeated Satan at the Cross
2. He atoned for the sin of the world at the cross
3. He conquered death three days later and raise from the dead with a resurrected body
4. Resurrected means to be raised to life again, and never dying
1. He was the first to be resurrected from the dead never to die again!
7. Christ is the Messiah v. 19
1. This is the greatest and most simple true story to understand
1. A child from 4 years old to an adult to 100 years old can understand
2. God loves you!
3. He is fully God and fully man
4. He rescued and reconciled us
5. He extends the free gift of salvation through His own shed blood
6. We are under new ownership
2. Remember who we were! v. 19-23
1. Rebels against God
2. We were born enemies against God and, by nature, did evil things
3. Under a death sentence
4. Jesus died as my subsitute on the cross
1. He needed a body to be my representative
3. Remember God’s grace in Jesus Christ! v. 23
1. All of this is God’s remarkable grace
2. We don’t deserve salvation
Closing: Many of you have already answered this question by trusting in Christ as your Lord and Savior. Even so, we need to be reminded occasionally of who Jesus is. He is more than the baby in the manger born of Mary and Joseph. He is the Kings of kings and the Lord of lords. He is the risen Christ of Revelation. He is greater than any problem we face. He is more powerful than any enemy we encounter. He is our salvation, our hope, our shelter and our strength.
If you are here today and have not yet answered this question, now is the time to answer it. Now is the time to experience forgiveness of sin, new life and new purpose by place your faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.