“Who Is Leading You?” Acts 15:36-16:10
Intro: Have there have been times in you life when you made plans, but your plans fell through? Some of those plans could have included some ministries. But, you may hit a snag, or a shut door, or some other obstacle that might legitimately keep you from what you had planned. Let me suggest that it could be that the Holy Spirit is redirecting you for reasons that you may not understand at that moment. We, you and I, need to get better at letting the Holy Spirit lead. This can be a problem for a Christ follower with a type A personality or a person who has a controlling personality. This passage in Acts 15:36 to 16:10 gives us some important insights about the leading of the Holy Spirit. First, let me explain a little bit about the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Can Lead During Conflict v.36 -41The argument between Paul and BarnabasBoth were angryBoth left angryBut God uses both teamsBarnabas and Mark to CyprusPaul and Silas to Syria and Cilicia Both teams encouraging the churchesTwo new teamsMore coverage for the gospelTraining more peopleSpreading the gospelFor the glory of GodThe Holy Spirit Calls and Leads Believers 16:1-5TimothyOn the job trainingGood characterPart of a discipling teamTimothy would later become a very effective pastor of a churchPaul looked at Timothy as his son in the LordThe Holy Spirit Can Lead Through Visions V.6-10God can change our plans because He has something else in mindIf we stay obedient to the Word of God, He will show us His will through the Holy SpiritIt seems that God is always preparing the way for His kingdom workWe need to slow down, be in the Word, and listen to the Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit will never contradict the Word of God or the will of GodHe will never ask us to do something that is contrary to the Word of GodThe Holy Spirit is the One who opens hearts, teaches, convicts, and invites Closing:So, I would like to ask all of us this question; Who is leading you? Is it the world’s system, the celebrities, the media, or yourself? For a Christ follower, we need to be continually in the Word of God, in prayer, and being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Proverbs 3:5-6.