“What Should a Church Do When the Pressure Is On?”
September 6, 2020

“What Should a Church Do When the Pressure Is On?”

Passage: Acts 4:23-32
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 4:23-32 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Last week, we looked at how Peter and John handled themselves when the pressure was on from the authorities and the religious experts forbidding the preaching the gospel. They were accused wrongly for doing an act of kindness and then they were threatened. The council tried to intimidate them into submission. But, God, through the Holy Spirit, gave Peter and John supernatural courage to stand firm with respect. They made it clear to  the council that when it comes to a choice of obeying them or obeying God, they would obey God no matter what the consequences.

In this passage today, Peter and John report to the church what happened when they were arrested on false accusation and severely threatened. How the church responded to this report should be a model for how the church today ought to respond.

They Prayed

They cried out to God

They were united e.g. of one accord

They affirmed that the Lord is Sovereign

In control

Directing history towards His purpose

They affirmed Him as Creator

All powerful

All mighty

They affirmed that God speaks

By the Holy Spirit

In and trough His servants e.g. David Psalm 2:1-2

Jesus is the anointed one, the Messiah, the Christ

They recapped what happened to Jesus

Herod and Pilate in conjunction with the Gentile, the people of Israel, conspired against the Messiah

But, this was part of God’s greater plan of salvation

God was still in control

They addressed the threats of the Sadducees, the priests, and the rulers made against Peter, John, and by implication, the church

They didn’t pray that God would take away the opposition

They prayed that God would enable the church to speak His Word with great boldness

They prayed for signs and wonders to point people to Jesus Christ and the glory of God

They prayed that these miracles would be done in the holy name of Jesus.

They waited for God’s answer

The place of their prayer meeting was shaken

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit

They spoke the Word of God  boldly

They opposition grew even more

Illustration: The bar in a small town

Closing: How about us church? Do you believe that the church needs this kind of urgent and heartfelt corporate prayer? Do we believe in the power of corporate prayer? We are facing threats today also. Some people in positions of  power in politics, education, economics, and science what to marginalize or do away with God. I believe that we will need corporate prayer to ask God to enable us with holy boldness to speak His word even in the face of growing opposition and criticism.