What Is Mankind’s Greatest Need?
Bible Text: Mark 2 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Would you agree that people have some basic needs? If you would allow me to sum up people’s most basic need, I will sum it up using a phrase from Dr. Larry Crabb. We all have a need for security and significance. That is, we desire to be loved unconditionally and for our lives to have purpose. Too many times we look for this need to be met in the wrong places. For instance, wealth can bring financial security only if we are good stewards of the wealth. Otherwise it could bring all sorts of problems.
In today’s passage, Mark tells us about some men, one of whom was paralyzed, on a mission of faith. The object of their faith was to meet Jesus. These men would not let anything hinder from their mission of faith. Mark give us some great lessons into mankind’s greatest need.
1. Jesus’ Love Always Extends to People in Need (unconditional love)
1. We need to understand what the Pharisees and Sadducee taught about sin and illness
1. They taught that every illness and/or disability was a result of the person’s sin
2. They also know that only God could forgive sin
3. They were present in the crowd in the house looking to disprove Jesus
2. Biblical Faith Is Faith In Action
1. Not much is know about the paralyzed man and his friends
1. What we do know is that, somehow, they heard about Jesus and have faith that Jesus could help their friend
2. This faith, perhaps the size of a mustard seed, was enough to not let any obstacles prevent them from bringing their friend to Jesus
3. Biblical faith shows itself in action
1. Biblical faith impacts the heart, mind, and will e.g. the whole person
4. Unity in Faith Can be Powerful
1. The men were united in their faith and their mission
3. Mankind’s greatest need is God’s unconditional love and forgiveness and purpose
1. Biblical faith is always placed in the person and finished work of Jesus Christ
2. Biblical faith should and will show itself in our lives
3. Biblical faith starts with coming to Christ in repentance and faith and receive Christ’s forgiveness by faith
4. Jesus gave the Pharisees and Sadducee proof that He is the Son of God e.g. fully God and fully man and therefore has authority to forgive sin
4. By Faith in Christ, this man receive God’s unconditional love for him
1. His greatest need was met e.g. forgiveness and a new relationship with God through faith in Christ
1. For the first time, this man and perhaps his friends had a peace that was deeply rooted in the unconditional love of God.
1. Illus.: Warren Wiersbe said it this way, “Forgiveness is the greatest miracle that Jesus ever performs. It meets the greatest need; It costs the greatest price; and it brings the greatest blessing and the most lasting results.” (Be Diligent: Warren Wiersbe, Victor Books, 1978, p. 23.
2. Only God through Christ can meet our most basic need
1. Security
2. Significance
Closing: My prayer is that you and I never grow too accustomed to biblical faith that we loss the wonder of God. The communion table is a time to reflect on biblical faith and true forgiveness.