What is Biblical Love?
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 13 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: There are many misconceptions about love. One misconception is that love is a feeling that makes you feel good for awhile. Some will define it as something that is related to physical attractiveness only. Others are asked, many give a vague and cloudy answer as to the nature of love.
In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, Paul describes for us the characteristics of biblical love. Let me explain three different types of love: philos, eros, and agape. Paul describes agape love in some very definite terms.
1. Love is:
1. Patient: when we are wronged, God gives us the capacity not to retaliate
1. Kindness: with God’s help, we choose not to repay evil with evil, but with good
2. Not envious: with God’s help, we choose not to covet the possessions of other people or desiring that others would not receive good things.
3. Doesn’t boast: with God’s help, we don’t get so full of ourselves and start to brag about just how great we are.
1. It is not proud: with God’s help, we do not develop a distorted view in our minds of how important we are. In other words, we need to let God develop in us a attitude of thankfulness, servant hood , and humility.
4. It is not rude and it is not self-seeking: e.g biblical love does not dishonor others. With God’s help, we want the best for others and we respond to others with grace.
1. It keeps no record of wrongs: with God’s help. we treat the wrongs of others with forgiveness
2. We don’t use the wrongs of the past as ammunition.
3. It doesn’t delight or find pleasure in evil: e.g. with God’s help, we don’t take pleasure in the misfortune of others. In other words, with God’s help, we hold no malice or meanness towards others.
4. It rejoices with truth: with God’s help we rejoice when others walk in His truth. In other words, we can be genuinely glad when others are doing well with God.
2. Love always:
1. Protects: e.g. with God’s help, we don’t choose to make public the failings of others
2. Trusts: e.g with God’s help, we can believe the best in other people
3. Hopes: e.g.with God’s help, we can always have hope that He is in control and knows what is best for each of us
4. Perseveres: e.g. with God’s help, we will honor and glorify Him no matter what the circumstances
3. Love never fails: Love will never end. It is eternal.
Closing: If we would like to test how we are doing in this area, may I suggest that every place you see the word “love”, substitute your name. Then, we need to ask for God’s help in areas in which we fall short. Are we willing to do that today? Are we willing to put into practice biblical love starting with our closes relationships?