What is Biblical Discipleship?
Bible Text: Mark 1 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: As many of you know, this past week, God called Rev. Dr. Billy Graham home. He was known as America’s pastor and the man who preached the good news of Jesus Christ to more people than even the Apostle Paul. We lost a great man of God, but his influence will live on.
I would like to share with you this morning the sequence of events that lead up to the conversion and calling of Dr. Graham. I believe you will be surprised how God called common everyday people to do kingdom work. Before I tell you about the chain of people that had been used in the calling of Dr. Graham, let me say that every ministry to which God calls people is just as important as any other ministry.
Recap: Dr. Graham’s conversion.
Years ago, if a young person wanted to learn a trade or craft, they needed to go through a term of internship. Today, many companies offer college students internships at their companies. There is something to be said about mentoring and discipling a young man or woman. Christ followers need to be passionate about leading people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, the call is not just to be saved by faith, but also to be discipled. The call for discipleship starts at the moment you and I trusted Christ as our personal Lord and Savior by faith.
The term disciple means to be a follower and a learner. For the Christ follower, the implication is that we commit to follow Christ and be a lifelong learner. The purpose of discipleship is the give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to transform us from the inside out to become more like Jesus each and every day. In this brief passage, Jesus gives us great insights about what it means to be a Christ follower.
– Jesus’ Call to Be Discipled Comes in Everyday Life
– Jesus calls ordinary people
– Illus: Abraham Lincoln, “God must love the common people-He made so many of them.” The Gospel of Mark, ed. William Barclay, The Daily Bible Study Series (Philadelphia, PA: The Westminster John Knox Press, 1976). Exported from Logos Bible Software 4, 4:37 PM February 18, 2018.
– Jesus calls everyday people in their every day journey
– Jesus was walking along
– People were involved in the “mundane” things of life
– Jesus see incredible potential in everyday common people
– These were common, hard working, everyday people
– Notice, they were not college graduates or seminary students
– They were doing their work
– Many of the Biblical prophets were called in a similar manner e.g. shepherds
– There was an attraction to Jesus
– Jesus’s Offers Them An Opportunity to Proactively Be a Part of Something Much Bigger Than Themselves e.g. the kingdom of God
– Jesus promise was and is that He will make them into fishers of men
– “Come. follow Me” e.g. walk the same road
– Walking side by side in fellowship and joint participation
– This would require a voluntary commitment to invest time, talent, and treasure e.g. sacrifice for the sake of God’s kingdom.
– Then we will realize the promise, “I will make you fishers of men”
– This offer is a life long journey
– This offer is to be a life long learner
– The goal of this offer will help us finish well for the glory and honor of God
– Jesus’ Call Requires a Response
– Yes
– No
– Ignore
Closing: I would like you to view this short video of David Ring . God is able to equip common ordinary people, even people with challenges, to do great kingdom work. So the question this morning is will you respond to Jesus’ call to be His disciples?