What Has Jesus Done For You?
Bible Text: Leviticus 4 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Many in our day believe that if Jesus existed, He was a good person. Some believe He was a good teacher. Some say He was a prophet. I want to ask this morning who is Jesus to you? When I ask that question, I am asking a very personal question. What really matters is not the popular opinion of who Jesus is or what others say who Jesus is, but what do you say Jesus is to you!
I would ask you to keep in mind that Jesus reveals to us the holy love of God. It is theologically incorrect to say love is God. It is theologically correct to say God is love. God’s love is a holy love in that it is a pure love that can not tolerate sin. And sin must be defined by God’s Word. God, in His holy love, demands that sin be paid for in a manner that is acceptable to Him. So in His holy love, God sent Jesus to be the once and for all perfect sacrifice for sin.
In Leviticus 4, the Scripture tells us about what Jesus did for us. You have heard the expression that actions speak louder than words. I suggest that when we seriously contemplate what Jesus did for us personally, we are faced with answering the most important question in life.
Please notice that it is the Lord who gives the instructions for each sacrifice to His servant Moses.
1. Forgiveness for Sins of Ignorance
1. Open to all people
2. This sacrifice is mandatory
3. The Hebrew word use for sin is”chata” which means missing the mark
1. Our culture has a habit of redefining sin and not according to the Scriptures
1. Illustration: Getting pulled over because you were unintentionally over the speed limit.
2. God gave us His law to show us how holy He is and how sinful we are
1. This is to point us to the need of One who can save us, Jesus Christ
1. Illustration: The 10 Commandments
4. Notice the priests, rulers, and elders needed to present a more expensive sacrifice
5. Explain that intentional sin was atoned for on the Day of Atonement
2. Sins of Ignorance Were and Are Serious
1. Blood was necessary for this sacrifice
2. Faith was necessary for this sacrifice
3. The Sacrifice Was a Picture of Jesus
1. Heb 13:11-13 and 2 Cor 5:21 are parallel passages
2. The sacrifice of Christ is for all sin starting with our rebellious nature
1. The cross of Christ covers both intentional sin and sins of ignorance
2. He became sin for us
We know that over the history of our country, many brave man and women have given their lives to protect our freedom. We also know that many bear the marks of the battle for freedom. Every time I remember those brave men and women who died or who are a wounded warrior, I am reminded of the great sacrifice that was made for us and for me.
Jesus, in His resurrected body, still bears the marks for what He did for you and me because He loves us with a holy love. How do I know this? Because the Bible says that after Jesus rose from the dead, He show Himself to the women at the tomb, then His disciples, then many more. His wounds are still visible for all to see. So, I need to ask the questions again, what did Jesus ever do for you? Jesus took on the very thing he hated, sin, my sin! He endured the most agonizing thing, that is when He endured the full holy wrath of the Father on our behalf. So I must ask again, what has Jesus ever done for you? How you answer that questions will have eternal consequences.