“What Does the World Think About Jesus?” John 7:1-13
The four gospels teach us much about Jesus, but they teach us much about ourselves. It is no secret that the world’s system is hostile to Jesus and true Christianity. The world’s system tolerates and celebrates vulgarity, profanity, and indecent behaviors. Our culture has taken rights away from parents, invents its perverse morality to justify its immoral behavior, and devalued human life to the point where the womb is the most dangerous place for a baby.
In this passage, the Apostle John gives us some insights into why the world can be so hostile to Christ and His message.
Review the context. Jesus talked about eternal life, beginning with a wholehearted belief in Jesus, the Bread of Heaven. Continued spiritual health requires loving obedience to Jesus and His Word under the power of the Holy Spirit. The crowds and the religious leaders didn’t like what Jesus said, and most of His followers left Him. The original twelve chose to continue to follow Christ.