What Do We Do When Life Gets Tough?
Bible Text: Luke 22 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Sometimes, our true character will come out when you and I are under pressure. Pressure situations tend to reveal both the good and the bad in our character. When Christ followers are under pressure of some sort, we can be prone to fall into temptation and do things that we may later regret. So I would like to raise the question this morning, what do we do when life gets tough? By tough, I mean really tough.
In this passage, Dr. Luke records what Jesus did when He faced unimaginable pressure. Jesus’s example can give us insight into how you and I can face the pressures of life.
Practice the Presence of God
This was Jesus usual practice
Pray specifically
Pray until you get an answer
Seek the Will of God and Submit to God
What will honor God in this situation?
When we grow in intimate knowlegde of God and experience His character, we will love Him more deeply
God Will Give Us Grace to Be Lovingly Obedient to Him
Grace to comfort
Grace to give strength
Grace to be honest with God
Encourage Others to Pray
The Disciples were going to face very difficult, pressure filled days.
Pray can help us prepare us to stand up under the though times of life through the power of the Holy Spirit, the direction of the Scriptures.
Closing: So, may I ask this morning are you facing some of life’s tough moments? They could be spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, or relational. Being on our knees with God will help you and I to stand up under pressures in a way which glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.