“What a Mess”! Genesis 3
My mom cooked spaghetti sauce (gravy) in a pressure cooker many years ago. Well, she left the pressure cooker unattended, so it exploded. What a mess! Spaghetti sauce was on the ceiling—walls, counters, stove, and floors. It took three of us a good 3 hours to clean up the mess. What a waste of perfect sauce! When God created our world, He created humanity as the crown of His creation. He put Adam and Eve in a garden called Paradise and gave them the authority to rule over God’s good creation. When Satan entered the garden, he asked Eve a theological question. It was a question designed to raise doubt about the love and authority of God. In other words, does God mean what He says? He tempted Eve to take the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and eat it so they could be like God. She not only ate it, but then she offered it to Adam, who should know better than to disobey God. When Adam disobeyed God, he sinned. So, through Adam’s disobedience, sin came into the world, creating a mess for humanity that they could not clean because it was so cosmic. This became a big problem because this mess produced a physical and spiritual mess for humankind and all creation. What could be done by humanity to clean up the mess of sin? Nothing!
Listen, Adam’s sin meant humankind declared war against God by disobedience which is sin. Even though God was the offended party, he loves us so much that He was willing to provide a solution to end the war and reconcile humankind to God.