We Need to Take Sin Seriously!
Bible Text: Leviticus 10 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: How many of you woke up this morning expecting to catch a cold? As we go about our daily routines in life, we are exposed to other people and their germs. Also, they are exposed to ours. So, generally speaking, you and I catch colds without even trying. I want to suggest to you that we tend to catch our culture like we catch a cold. You and I are exposed to many cultural things in the course of a day, some of which may influence us in a negative manner.
For instance, television programs, movies, and commercials that promote things contrary to God’s Word have the potential of numbing us to the things that offend God. They could even change our thinking about the nature of sin. We can think that because something has become legal or socially acceptable, it is ok to do even thought it violates the Word of God. Can you think of any examples?
Someone once said, “Sin is like a man’s beard. Although we daily save it, it constantly reappears.” From God’s view, sin is like a stench in His nose.
Leviticus 10 is a very sobering chapter that shouts out to us that God takes sin seriously. If God takes sin seriously, then we, who are Christ followers, also need to take sin seriously! Permit me to read a portion of this passage. There are several principles that God teaches us about His character and how seriously He views sin.
1. God is Holy and Pure vs. 1-3
1. God deserves respect and honor
2. God cannot condone sin
3. God will prove His holiness to all people
2. Our Pride and Arrogance Will Always to Sin vs. 1-3
1. We don’t really believe that God means what He says
2. We think we know better than God
3. We loose sight of God’s holy character
3. God Continually Warns Us that We Must Take Sin Seriously vs. 4-20
1. We need to be reminded about God’s Word and His holy character
2. We need to confession sin with a desire for repentance
3. God, our Father, will discipline us when we start to drift into sin.
4. God gives us the Lord’s Table 1 Cor. 11: 17-34
1. This is a time to remember back to the cross of Christ
1. Realize that God takes sin seriously
2. He will deal with us if we come to Him unprepared and disobedient
3. Sin was paid for once for all by God in the flesh, Jesus Christ
2. This is a time to look inward and examination ourselves, confess, and repent
1. This is a time to confess pride, arrogance, and rebellion
3. This is a time to look ahead to the Second Coming of Christ
1. He will comes as the victorious King of kings and Lord of lords
2. He will right all the wrongs
Closing: The Lord’s Table: This is a time of reflection, confession, and celebration. The Lord’s Table is a place where you and I can come clean before the Lord, enjoy communion with Him, and celebrate His grace and mercy towards us.