We Need Encouragement!
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 4 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
Do you need encouragement?
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
There are many philosophies and theories around today what life is all about. What is the meaning of life? What happens when life is over? These questions have been asked through all generations since the fall of Adam. The Westminster Catechism sums up the Scripture about the meaning of life. Read question one and two from the Catechism.
Most of us have all buried loved ones and friends who we dearly miss. It is natural and healthy to appropriately grieve the loss of a family member or friend. For those of us who are in Christ, we take comfort that our loved ones and friends who have died in Christ live on to enjoy Him for all eternity. People who do not know Christ grieve and have no hope.
The believers in Thessaloníca were now experiencing the first generation of believers dying. They had such an immanent expectation of Christ coming back at any time, they were afraid that the believers who dies might miss out on eternity with Christ on the day He returns.
In this passage, Paul indicates that the meaning of life and the afterlife is intimately connected to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
1. Paul wants the church at Thessalonica to be fully informed about those who die in Christ
1. Explain the false theology of soul sleep
1. Paul said to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord
2. He doesn’t want the believers to grieve like unbelievers who have no hope.
1. The typical inscription on a grave of an unbeliever in Paul’s day was:
1. I was not
2. I became
3. I am not
4. I care not
3. Paul states the basis of our hope: A confession of our faith
1. We believe that Jesus died and rose again
2. Therefore, we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have died in Him
3. This is not Paul’s opinion or the opinion of anyone else, this is according to the Word of God
1. The Word of God carried His authority
2. The Word of God is true
3. The Word of God has God’s power
4. Paul gives some details of our hope
1. At the coming of the Lord, believers who are still alive will not precede those who have died in Christ.
2. The Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God
3. The dead in Christ will rise first
4. After that, believers who are still alive and are left will be caught up will be caught up together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air
5. We will be with the Lord for ever
5. We are to encourage one another with these words
1. This is not ammunition for a theological debate
2. These words are meant to living life fully, a life pleasing to God until He calls us home or returns
When we come around the Lord’s Table, we proclaim this same message e.g. that Jesus dies and rose again. It is a time of reflecting on the cross and the resurrection that made possible the forgiveness of sin and a new life in Christ. It is also a time of confession and repentance. This means that we ask God to reveal specific sin in our own lives that needs to be confessed and forsaken. Then, it is a time to look forward to that day when Christ Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God. Whenever that day might be, we need to be ready.
Have you come to a point of knowing that Jesus died for your sin personally? Have you come to a point where you have admitted your sin, want to turn from your sin, and asked Christ into your heart by faith alone? Don’t let this day pass without the assurance of the gospel of Christ.