“We Have the Power to Go On!” Part 2
Bible Text: Acts 1:12-26 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “We Have the Power to Go On!” Part 2 Acts 1:12-26
Intro: Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He directed them to go to Jerusalem and wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. However, while they waited, there were some issues that had to be resolved. Of first order was to chose a replacement for Judas.
The disciples met in an upper room. There were about 120 men and women present waiting on God. Waiting can be tough. We don’t like to wait. We don’t like to wait for people, service, of God. Examples……….
In this passage, Dr. Luke gives us qualities the you and I need in the church in order to have power wait on the Lord so that we can go on with the Lord’s commission.
1. They Believed in the Unity of the Fellowship
1. They learned to value on another
1. Men and women together!
2. They learned that they were on a common journey
3. They knew that Jesus was their common denominator
2. They Believed in Prayer
1. They prayed constantly
2. They prayed with anticipation
3. They were willing to wait on God
4. They prayed to replace Judas
3. They Believed that God Would Lead Them
1. Through the Word
2. There was a process
3. There was agreement
4. There was a firm decision as God directed
Closing: So, how do we have the power to go on? It is through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word. But, remember:
1. They believed in the unity of the fellowship
2. They believed in prayer
3. They believed that God would lead them
God will give us the power to go on even if it entails waiting on Him.