“We Have the Power to Go On!” Acts 1:1-11
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-11 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “We Have the Power to Go On!” Acts 1:1-11
Intro: When you and I go through difficult and confusing times, we face choices. Here are some of the choices we may face: Handle the situation on our own in our own power or handle it in obedience to God’s Word and in the Power of the Holy Spirit. I want to suggest that, as Christ followers and the church, you and I now face the same choices.
We are still working through this Covid-19 pandemic. It has been difficult and confusing, uncertain and worrisome for the majority of us. There are some things we need to do in the coming days that will be different, but appropriate for navigating this crisis. And we will adapt and work through it with God’s help and strength.
However, the church is the Body of Christ. As the Body of Christ, our mission and message will never change, no matter what the circumstances. Jesus ordained His church to be an unstoppable force in this world. So this morning, I want to let God remind us that even though we are not able to meet in person, we are still a powerful church as we are lovingly obedient to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In this passage, Dr. Luke, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us that the church has a specific mission and Jesus gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit to carry out His mission.
1. Christ is Alive and Active Through His Church v. 1-5
1. Explain Theophilus
2. Jesus gave instruction to the apostles e.g. the promise of the Holy Spirit
3. Jesus is alive
2. Jesus’ Kingdom is Here v. 6-7
1. Clearing up a misunderstanding of what the kingdom of God is here and now.
2. No one knows when Jesus will return as the Conquering Warrior, but He will return
3. Jesus Empowers His Church Through the Holy Spirit v. 8
1. The apostle’s and the church’s power will come through the Holy Spirit
2. This power is for a specific mission commissioned by Christ Himself
1. Start loving people where you are and share the gospel in deed and then in word
2. Tell people your story of how you met Christ and your experience of being forgiven
3. Then, as the Holy Spirit leads, start reaching out beyond where you are in phases.
4. Jesus Is Coming Again v. 9-11
1. The Risen Christ was taken up to heaven as they were watching
2. Jesus sends messengers to the apostles to reassure them that Jesus will be with them through the Holy Spirit
3. Jesus will physically return again in His perfect timing.
4. So, in the meantime…
Closing: Our commission and mission is very clear. This is what you and need to be about until Jesus returns.
1. Jesus gives us the authority for His mission
2. Jesus gives us the power to accomplish His mission
3. Jesus wants His church to be unstoppable in this present evil age
1. Going in the power of the Holy Spirit
2. Loving the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, and strength
3. Loving our neighbor as we love ourselves
We don’t need to fear. Jesus is with us every step of the way. In fact. all you and I need to do in loving obedience is to follow in His footsteps.