“We Are One Day Closer!” Revelation 1
Many believers avoid the Book of Revelation because it is difficult to understand. However, grasping its significance can bring a profound sense of enlightenment and knowledge. It is often misunderstood and/or misinterpreted because apocalyptic literature has different rules of interpretation than the gospels or epistles.
So, allow me to give you a brief introduction to the Book of Revelation.
The author is the Apostle John when he was about 90.
John was sentenced to a life sentence at the prison island of Patmos because of being convicted of preaching the gospel of Christ.
Originally sentenced to be boiled alive in a vat of oil, John was untouched and thereby sentenced to life on Patmos.
The reason for the letter was to encourage Christians during a severe time of persecution.
Christ will return physically, usher in His kingdom, and set up the eternal state.
He will right all the wrongs and hold sinners accountable.
Christ addressed seven existing churches of John’s time and gave each church a report card to correct its doctrine and practice.
Jesus gave John a vision of heaven and end-times prophecy to encourage believers to persevere,
This is why the men’s study of the theology of heaven was so important.
The saints of old and the present-day saints all lived each day looking forward to future victory and glory.
The promised blessing of reading, hearing, and obeying the teaching of Revelation.
Prophetic and apocryphal books in the Bible are necessary to develop a biblical worldview.