Trust God During Hard Times!
Bible Text: Micah 6 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Have you ever felt like you were in a hot dry desert without water? Have you ever been through a time in you life when you felt like you have been hit by a truck or a tidal wave of life’s circumstances? Have you ever faced a situation that was so confusing and difficult, you didn’t know what to do next? Have you ever been there?
Difficult and hard times are a fact of life. So, what are our options during those times? In these final chapters of Micah, we find some great principles about trusting God during the hard times. Each one of these principles are grounded in the never changing character of God.
There are several key principles about the character of God that will help us trust in Him
1. Know God is Righteous and Holy
1. Principle 1: We Will Reap What We Sow 6:9-16
2. Principle 2: Sin Causes Sorrow 7:1-7
2. Know God is a God of grace, love and mercy
1. Principle 3: Never Lose Hope 7:7-13
1. God is a personal Savior
2. God hears the prayers and cry of a righteous person
1. We must take responsibility for our own sin and confess and repent
3. God is the light in this evil darkness
1. Those who oppose God will ultimately be out to shame
2. Principle 4: God is true to His Character 7:14-20
1. God is willing to be our Shepherd if we allow Him
1. The Shepherd guides
2. The Shepherd feeds
3. The Shepherd protects
4. The Shepherd sets good boundaries
2. There is no other god like the true and living God of the Bible (possible play on words here)
1. He pardons sins through faith in the finished work of the Cross of Christ
2. He does not stay angry for ever but is willing to show incredible mercy
3. He is compassionate
4. He is faithful
5. He is willing to cast our sins away through faith in Christ and Christ alone
6. He is holy, all powerful, all knowing, and always keeps His Promises, His character never changes
Will you please stand and join me in giving honor to our King and Shepherd? Please sing, “O Worship the King”.
The Lord’s Table was given to us by Christ so that we would remember and be encouraged by God’s character. We are asked at the table to remember God’s grace and love as shown in the cross and resurrection of Christ; to know we can live in forgiveness and freedom in the present and we have a great future that is guaranteed by God’s character of holiness, mercy, grace and love.