“The King Arrives!” Revelation 19:11-20
Intro: Are we ready for a great wedding reception? Unfortunately, in this increasingly godless world system, more invitees will attend a wedding reception than the sacred church wedding service.
For born-again believers in the Person and Work of Jesus, we must remember that Jesus proposed to us through the gospel. The moment we put our faith in Christ, He gave us an engagement ring: the Holy Spirit. You see, the Holy Spirit is Jesus’ promise to us that we, through faith in Him, have entered an engagement period that will culminate when His bride, the church, is raptured before the Tribulation, which will pave the way for the Second Coming of Christ.
When He comes again as the King of kings and Lord of lords, He will bring His bride with Him for a great wedding reception and then rule with Him for a thousand years on this earth.
We can be encouraged about our future and the bride’s (church) relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.