“The Great Exchange!” Good Friday 2021 Matthew 27:11-16
Intro: When you and I catch a glimpse of what transpired at the cross of Christ, we begin to realize that there was a cosmic exchange that happened between God the Father, God the Son, and our sin. In this account of the kangaroo court between Pilate and Jesus, God gives us an incredible visual of what happened on the cross on the Good Friday. The Religious “Experts” wanted Jesus DeadThey did not have the authority to crucify Jesus, only the Roman government could do that if the accused is convicted of a high crime.Because of their sin of pride, lust for power, and to keep their dysfunctional and unbiblical religious system, they made up 3 charges against Jesus which were totally untrue.They accused Him of misleading a nationThey accused Him of being a threat to CaesarThey accused Him of telling people not to pay their taxesThe Government wanted nothing to do with HimThe tossing back and forth between Pilate and HerodBoth know this man committed no crimePilate gives in to political pressure and looks for a way outGives the Jew a choice of 2 prisonersPilate tells the crowd that Jesus committed no crimeThe crowd tells Pilate to release a convicted criminal, Barabbas, and the crucify JesusPilate washes his hands of Jesus’ blood and tells the crowd that His blood is their choiceThe Great Exchange happensIf the people were in tune to the Scripture and the Holy Spirit, God was giving them a visual of what was to happen at the cross.Jesus , the innocent and sinless One, being fully God and fully man paid the penalty that Barabbas deserved, death.What a great picture of God’s holiness and love that kissed at the cross!In love, Jesus to my sin and yours in went to the cross in our place to take the penalty we deserve.This should bring us down to our knees in worship, praise, and adoration for the person and work of Jesus Christ. Closing: It is my hope that we are once again amazed and brought to our knees in worship as we remind ourselves of the Great Exchange! The exchange between Barabbas and Jesus was the visual illustration of the great exchange at the cross. My thanks to Dr. Robert Fuggi for his book, A New Model of the Authentic Church, chapter 6. Much of his great work is reflected in my notes and sermon.