“The Gift That Keeps On Giving!” Acts 13:13-52
Intro: I would like to ask a question this morning. What is the best gift you have received? When you received it and in your excitement, did you just want to tell people that you received it and who gave it to you? For Christ followers, would you agree that the greatest gift we have received is forgiveness of sin, new life, and new purpose given to us through the person and work of Jesus Christ? Isn’t is true that this gift was purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ? The gift to us was freely offered (grace), but it cost God the Father His one and only Son. There is no greater gift in the universe. Suppose that researchers found the cure for cancer or some other terminal disease. Wouldn’t it be terrible if the researchers keep it all to themselves? This good news should be proclaimed to all. The gift of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only cure for a terminal disease which we all have e.g. sin. So, why are we so silent about the good news of the gospel which is the only cure? In this passage, Dr. Luke shows us that the gospel of Jesus Christ ought to be the gift that keeps on giving. In other words, we should lovingly proclaim the gospel as Holy Spirit gives opportunity. The Gospel Must Be Shared Despite Disappointments v. 13John Mark left the teamHe probably got homesickThis ultimately caused a rift between Barnabas and PaulPaul and Barnabas continued the be obedient despite disappointment v.14-32PreparationThey entered the synagogue and preached to the Jews and seekers of God v. 14-22They read from the ScripturesThey exegeted the ScripturesHe recounted God’s holiness and saving graceHe spoke about how God provided a way through Israel and the line of King David for the Messiah to come into this worldGod Anointed John the Baptist v. 23-25Preached repentance and baptism to all the people of IsraelHe prepared the way for the Messiah, Jesus Christ who takes away the sins of the worldThe religious system and the political system failed v. 26-30They did not recognize JesusJesus was a threat to their pride and powerSo, if they could not silence Him while He walked this earth. then they made the decision to kill HimUnbeknownst to the religious and political leaders, they were fulfilling prophecy of the Old TestamentGod had the final word Review the words of, “Lord, I Lift Your Name On High”Explain the Person and work of Jesus Christ.AtonementPaid in fullThe resurrection is God’s approval of Christ’s sacrifice on the crossChrist conquered sin, Satin, and deathHe is aliveNo leader of any other religion of cult ever conquered sin, Satin, and deathJesus is alive v.37Paul and Barnabas Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ v. 38The Person and work of Jesus ChristIncarnation, death, burial, resurrectionOpen to all who believeSet free from every sinJustified before GodNew LifeNew PurposeThe opposition v. 44PridePowerPositionThe honest answer v. 48-51Endured persecution for the glory of JesusThey were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit Closing: It has been well said that truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy. We are not to be ashamed of the gospel. However, we must be authentic and loving when we have the opportunity to share the person and work of Christ. If we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and under the authority of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will make know to us when God appointed opportunities come so we can lovingly share Jesus. Please note, that everyone with whom we share the gospel may not respond, but that is there choice, unfortunately.