“Superpowers Battle!” Daniel 8 1/7/24
Intro: If you are concerned about the chaos, evil, and sin in our country and the world, you are not alone. For born-again believers, these things should concern us. As we study the Word and let the Holy Spirit apply God’s principles and love to our hearts, we should become more sensitive to our culture, families, and country, and the world has gone away from the Jewish-Christian ethic.
Daniel 8 gives us glimpses of past prophecies fulfilled and future prophecies to be fulfilled. Please know that as Christ’s followers, we are secure in His love no matter what happens to us in the future. But these prophecies should drive us to share Christ with people who need to be saved because the time may be short.
In this chapter, Daniel makes a critical transition in the use of language. Daniel wrote the first seven chapters in Aramaic, a language understood by Babylon. Daniel wrote the remaining chapters in Hebrew because these chapters address the future of Israel.