“Supernatural Power!” Acts 2:1-13
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-13 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Supernatural Power!” Acts 2:1-13
Intro: I believe that we have the finest military and law enforcement in the world. Anyone how has served in the military services and/or law enforcement undergoes rigorous and extensive training. The purpose of this training is to equip them with the physical and mental strength to perform their duties. There is another purpose to their training and that is to use all the tools and talents they have to accomplish a clear mission.
We also need to note that both the military and law enforcement must work together in unity of purpose to accomplish their mission. I want to suggest to you that the Holy Spirit is able to give us the power to go forth in unity with the clear mission Jesus gives to the church. He also gives power for the church to worship in Spirit and truth. Last, He gives power to the church to continue even in the face of opposition.
1. Power for the Church for the Great Commission and Great Commandment
1. Pentecost was one of 3 festivals to which every male Jew within 20 miles of Jerusalem was required to attend. The other 2 were the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles. Pentecost was also know as the Feast of Weeks. So, it was the fiftieth day after Passover.
1. Pentecost was commonly attended by Jews from other countries also.
2. So, many people were in Jerusalem.
2. We also need to understand something about the Holy Spirit
1. He is a person; the 3rd person of the Trinity and fully God
2. He is a Spirit e.g. His name mean breath or air in the original language
3. His ministry is to convict the world of sin and open the hearts of men and women to the good new of Jesus Christ.
4. He is the Helper, the Comforter, the One who empowers us
3. My guess based upon the previous chapter is the disciples and the others were praying and reading Scripture. They were united and having fellowship.
4. Surprised by supernatural power e.g. the Holy Spirit
1. Notice the language: “Suddenly a sound like…came from heaven…filled the house”.
2. What seemed to be tongues of fire…
3. All were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
2. Power for the Church to Worship in Spirit and Truth
1. The power of the Holy Spirit spilled out into Jerusalem
1. God-fearing Jews from all nations were there for the Festival of Pentecost
2. This sound from heaven got their attention
2. The power of the Holy Spirit enabled them to hear the wonders of God in their native languages
3. They were confused, because how could uneducated people be speaking other languages?
1. This was amazing!
2. When you and I yield to the Holy Spirit and Jesus under that authority of His Word, the Holy Spirit may enable us to do things that glorify our Lord, Jesus Christ. These that you and I thought were beyond us and they are. But with God, anything in His will is possible.
3. This must have been an amazing worship service to prepare the way for Peter’s power message of the gospel.
3. Power Against Opposition
1. Whenever the Holy Spirit empowers the church to go forward with the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, there will be opposition from Satan and people who will criticize.
2. We pray for the people who mock and persecute
3. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we remain faithful as a church to go forward with the clear mission which Jesus has given us.
Closing: So church, let me suggest that God meant His church to be a powerful influence in our world through Christ’s love in us as we yield to the Holy Spirit. We have His power to go forth with the Great Commission and Great Commandment. We have the power through the Holy Spirit to worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Spirit and truth. We have the power through the Holy Spirit and the Word to face opposition.