Stand in Awe of God!
Bible Text: Leviticus 24 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Sometimes, we use words too carelessly. Biblically speaking, the words Awe and Awesome should only be used when speaking of God and His character. The reason is that there is no one in the universe who is more awesome than God. So, may I ask what makes God awesome? The answer is that His whole character is what makes His awesome e.g. His spirituality, personality, life, infinity, constancy, holiness, righteousness, justice, genuineness, veracity, faithfulness, benevolence, grace, love, mercy, and persistence. These are the things in the character of God that make Him absolutely awesome.
In Leviticus 24, God gives us some valuable insights as to the nature of His holiness. I would like to invite you to take this journey into this chapter and allow God to do some spiritual surgery in our hearts to help us to be in awe and reverence of who He is.
His Holy Oil v. 1-4
Symbolic of the Holy Spirit
Clear oil from pressed olives by the Israelites
The oil was for the pure golden lampstand before the Lord to produce light
Rev. 1:12-19
Christ followers are the temple of the Lord
We are the light of the world
Our light needs to shine continually in all areas of life
We must continually yield to the Holy Spirit
The Church is to be a light for the world
Disciple making
The Church’s light can be dimmed greatly through the disobedience and/or unfaithfulness of its members.
Illus. The seven letters to the churches in Revelation
Holy Spirit provides illumination for the Scripture
Provides light for continual ministry
There were no windows in the Temple
When Christ followers yield to the Holy Spirit, He will provide light on the Scripture and guide and empower us to do the will of God
Illustration: “Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet” e.g. Psalm 119:105
His Holy Bread v. 5-9
Shewbread to be consumed by the priests
Shewbread could be translated bread of the presence e.g. God is present with His people
It could be that the tribes were represented by the twelve loaves and the twelve stones on the vest of high priest
The Holy bread was to remind the priest that his ministry was to serve God and to all the people
Bread is a common food
God cares about the common concerns of life
He wants us to include Him in all areas of our lives
Christ followers are called a royal priesthood e.g. 1 Peter 2:5
5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), 1 Pe 2:5.
We are to serve God and people for the glory of God
Let the Holy Spirit light up the Scriptures
Let the Holy Spirit direct our path
Let the Holy Spirit empower us for the ministry to which God calls us
His Holy Name v. 10-23
There is no other name in the universe that is more holy than God
God’s name signified His very essence
God’s name recognizes that He is all powerful and holy
By its very nature, God’s name invites a response from those who hear it
God will not let His name be dishonored e.g. Exodus 20:7
7 “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Ex 20:7.
The Jews substituted Yahweh (Adonai) for Jehovah when they read the Scriptures so they would not come close to say the name of God.
When we disrespect God’s name, we disrespect Him
When we sin, we disrespect the name of God
Illus. The entire Ten Commandments
God’s punishment is never excessive or out of control
It was meant to teach a lesson and restrain evil
God’s laws must be respected
Moses waited upon God for God’s divine sentence
God deserves our utmost respect and honor
Closing: These three basic insights into the awesome character of God should produce in us a holy fear and reverence of God. Consider this; there seems to be a difference between reading and seeing pictures about the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center and actually personally experiencing them. When we experience these wonders in person and see them from the ground and then travel to the top of them, there develops a sense of wonder and fear. Should there be even a greater sense of awe, wonder, and fear when you and I personally stand in the presence of our Holy God and experience Him?
Are we making time to be in the presence of our awesome God? Are we taking time to worship individually and corporately? Are we taking time to be in His Word? Are we taking time to speak to Him and let Him speak to us? Are we taking time just to stand in awe before Him?