“Solomon’s Conclusion!” Ecclesiastes 12:9-14
Is Solomon’s Conclusion Trustworthy?
He was a wise teacher.
He looked at living life without God versus living life with God.
His goal was to impart knowledge to his students that they could apply to their lives.
He thought everything through carefully and taught using many proverbs.
He searched for the right words to communicate with his students.
He made sure what he wrote was upright and accurate, that is, in agreement with God’s Word.
Godly Wisdom Guides Us to Meet Life’s Challenges.
“The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails – given by one shepherd.
A goad is a long stick that has a very sharp end.
It was used on the hind legs of oxen to guide them when the farmer plowed to keep the ox from going off course.
This wisdom should also be a goad for us in life.
We must be careful that nothing else must be added to godly wisdom.
You can save time on the many books based on the world’s wisdom.
A person can get tired of investigating all these books and learn the wrong wisdom from the world.
Learn from Solomon’s Conclusion!
You know, his investigation was extensive and complete.
Imagine a judge coming to a right and just conclusion after all the evidence has been presented.
The conclusion: “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.”
God will be the final judge of what we do in this life.
Nothing will be hidden, whether it is good or evil.