“Sharing the Gospel In a Fast Changing World?” Part 2 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 9:9-23 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: There is a big difference between a person trying to please an audience and a person who is trying to engage an audience with an important message. One says whatever the people wish to hear, the other builds bridges with the people to share an uncompromising message.
We Need to Build Bridges with People
1. Take time to get to know their language
2. Take time to get to know their culture
3. Take time to establish relationships
4. Take time to hear their questions and issues
2. We Need to Have the Right Heart Attitude
1. The Great Commission
2. The Love of Christ
3. The Love for All People
3.We Need to Be Obedient to Jesus
1. We share the gospel when we have earned a hearing with a person
2. We share the gospel using our own story
3. We live the gospel in all areas of our lives
Closing: So I need to ask three critical questions this morning: 1) Are we a bridge builder or a barrier builder?; 2) How is our heart attitude towards those who need to know Christ?; 3) Are we willing to be obedient to Jesus in loving people and having compassion for them?