Sharing the Gospel In a Fast Changing World
Bible Text: Matthew 28:16-20 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | — Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: There is no doubt that you and I live in a post-Christian culture that is increasingly skeptical and confused. Another issue of concern is that our culture changes every six to ten months. So, the question for each of us ought to be, how do we share the gospel in a manner that is engaging and relevant?
The Great Commission is the place we need to begin this discussion. Jesus, in Matthew 28:16-20, reminds us that sharing the gospel is the responsibility of every Christ follower. Please note that Jesus, not only commissions us, but He sends us out with everything we need to do His kingdom work.
Jesus Sends Us Into Our World with His Authority
The word for authority means power
Jesus is in full control even in this chaotic culture
Jesus is greater than Satan and His demons
Therefore, we can follow Jesus and obey without fear
Jesus Gives Us a Clear Mission
To go in His power/grace/love
Makes disciples/learners by being mentors
Do this without prejudice
Baptizing them into the Family of God
Teaching them obey and learn from His Word e.g. by example
We Have the Promise of Completing His Mission
We have His presence
We have is Holy Spirit
We have His wisdom, love, guidance, and power.
Closing: It is time to renew and reaffirm our commission given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s take a moment just between us and God. Will you and I enter into the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ?