“Resolve Internal Conflict!” Acts 11:1-18
Intro: We all know that gossip is very detrimental in a church fellowship. We also know that most people in the church do not like change in their lives or in the church. When these two factors are connected and mixed together, they become a potentially explosive combination. I want to suggest that most church conflicts are based in personal preference and selfishness. God just gave Peter and Cornelius an incredible break though. God prepared Cornelius, a Gentile, to transform from a religious man to a Christ follower. Also, God prepared Peter to know that Gentiles were also welcome into the kingdom of God through faith and repentance in Jesus Christ. This was radical for both the Jews and the Gentiles. It was radical both religiously and culturally. This passage Luke records of us show us how to resolve internal conflict in truth and grace. Real Biblical Change Reveals Much About Our CharacterIt exposes the legalistsThey obviously were speaking about this among them selvesIt exposes their selfishness and arroganceBut, they did the right thing in going to Peter with their issueIt exposes wrong thinking and bad theologyTheir low view of the GentilesThey ignored the invitation of God that was even made clear through the covenant with AbrahamPeter Resolved This Conflict With Truth and LovePeter simply told them the whole story e.g. the factsPeter didn’t argue, he didn’t become defensiveNote: six brothers went with Peter to the house of Cornelius and witnessed everythingThere was also confirmation form the Holy SpiritPeter didn’t want to get in the way of what God was doing He laid aside his prejudicesHe laid aside his personal preferences and yielded to the Spirit of GodHe laid aside his prideAfter the objectors hear all of this the matter was resolvedThey had to lay aside their legalistic mind setThey had to lay aside their own prejudicesGod was granted repentance that leads to life… GRACE!Closing: How does this apply today?