Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks!
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
What do you do when your world seems like it is spinning out of control?
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: There are times in life when we have spiritual and emotional vertigo attacks. What do Christ followers need to do when we find ourselves in a confusing and unbalanced spin?
Theologians of old would talk about and teach spiritual practices or spiritual disciplines. The practice of spiritual disciplines are a matter of our attitudes before our God. This is a very personal matter.
There are three spiritual practices that are essential for good spiritual health.
1. Spiritual disciplines require the help of the Holy Spirit.
1. We cannot manufacture this on our own
2. Being saturated with God’s Word
3. Intentionally allowing God to change us from the inside out
4. Confession and repentance
5. Then our hearts are fertile for spiritual practices:
1. Rejoice (imperative and continuing)
1. Define
1. This is true joy rooted in Jesus that transcends circumstances
2. It is the result of a love affair between Jesus and us personally that result in blessings
3. This applies to both private and public worship
2. Frequency
1. Remember the old hymn, “Count Your Blessings?”
2. When we start to specifically name our blessings specifically, then we are able to rejoice daily. The first blessing is our salvation in Christ.
3. This is important when we experience the vertigo of life. Keep your eyes fixed on an object…keep our eyes on Jesus and His unchanging character.
2. Pray (imperative and continuing)
1. How much time?
1. This is not talking about praying in during a certain time. It is about a life style of prayer that communicates with God during the course of your day.
2. Define
1. It is talking and listening to God.
2. We have Jesus and the Holy Spirit interceding for us.
3. Remember Tevya in “Fiddler On the Roof?”
4. It is in prayer we can talk to God about the circumstances of life and seek His will and wisdom for any situation.
3. Give Thanks in all circumstances (imperative and continuing)
1. With a sincere heart
1. Romans 8:28
2. Our thanks needs to grow out of our intimate relationship with Christ and His unchanging Character.
3. We are anchored in our identity in Christ
2. We can give thanks in out circumstances
1. In good times
2. In bad times
Closing: Illustration:
What is the solution for the vertigo of life?
Rejoice always!
Pray continually!
Give thanks in all circumstances!
Peter walking on water during the storm. Matthew 14:22 ff
What about you??