Proclaim the Good News!
Bible Text: Mark 1 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
We are entering into the Easter season. In the church liturgical calendar, the Easter season begins February 14th this year which is 40 days before Easter. During this time of year and the Christmas Advent season, the question always comes up, “Who is Jesus”? Typically, there will be articles in magazines, editorials in news papers, blogs, on the internet, or programs on television which will address this question.
I believe there are many people who are either non-churched or disenfranchized from church who wrestle wiith this question. There is a secondary question that arisies here; how will they know who Jesus is unless someone tells them? I believe it is imperative that the body of Christ e.g. the local church is commissioned by Christ to do just that.
One of the things I appreciate about the Gospel of Mark is, that under the direction of the Holy Spirit, He states the truth in brief snapshots. He also brings out the implications of the truth. He begins his gospel with stating who Jesus is and the message concerning Him.
After 400 years of God being silent because of Israel’s stubbroness and idolatry, God decided to speak again through one of the most unlikely person, humanly speaking. He is called in the Scripture, John the Baptizer or John the Baptist. When we read what he was wearing and eating, we may think was this man crazy? But, we begin to realise that John behaved just as the prophet Elijah. Also, note that John was humble. He never said he was the Messiah or equal to or greater than Jesus.
1. The Good News is about Jesus v. 1
1. Jesus means Jehovah saves
2. Messiah means The Anointed One
3. Son of God means that Jesus is fully human and fully God
2. The Good News must be announced v. 1-8
1. It was and is announced in the Old Testament by the prophets
1. “…as it has been written, stands written, and will always be written…”
2. It was announced in Jesus time by John the Baptist v. 2-8
1. John was the last of the Old Testament prophets
2. His commision was to go ahead of the King of kings and Lord of lords and prepare that way for Him and to prepare the people to receive their Messiah
3. John preached this announcement with all his heart because he believed the message
1. You and I cannot persuasively tell people who Jesus is if we don’t fully believe it in our minds and hearts.
3. The Good News requires a response
1. The respons to the good news of Christ is repentance of sin
1. Repentance means a change of mind, heart, and will to turn away from sin and follow Chrsit on a journey of holiness
2. Biblical repentance includes a sorrow for offending God who loved us so much that He gave His own Son the pay the penalty of our sin on the cross
Closing: The Scritpure makes it plain that the body of Christ is commanded and commisioned to announce the God News of Jesus Christ. Who makes up the body of Christ? Each individual member of the local church makes up the body of Christ. So, are we willing to give a loving and thoughtful answer to the question of “Who is Jesus?” to other people who are asking?