“Prayer Is Powerful!” James 5:13-20
Bible Text: James 5:13-20 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Prayer Is Powerful!” James 5:13-20
Intro: For a Christ follower, prayer and the Word of God are the most powerful privileges we have. Yet, I wonder if they are the most ignored gifts we have from God through faith in Christ. Martin Luther said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
James, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, reminds Christ followers that praying in faith is very powerful. James gives us some key times when prayer should be paramount.
1. During Times of Suffering and Trouble
1. We all will encounter times of stress and hardship
1. These are usually difficult times over which we have no control
2. The word translated “pray” is a command in the present tense e.g. pray and continue praying.
2. During Good Times
1. We all will encounter good times
1. James says we need to sing songs of praise
1. The word translated “sing” is a command and in the present tense e.g. sing and keep on singing
2. Songs of praise are or ought to be prayers to music e.g. Psalms, hymns, and praise songs
3. During Times of Illness
1. We will all encounter illness at one point or another
1. Illness means without strength, powerless, and weak
2. The command is to call the elders of the church for anointing and prayer
1. The elders need to seek the will of God in how to pray.
2. Pray is not to get God to do our will, but to bring our minds to a point where we can pray that God’s will be done.
1. “Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God.” Anonymous
3. Some illnesses can be caused by unconfessed sin in our lives
1. Some examples: alcohol or drug abuse; gluttony, sexual immorality, adultery, etc…
2. Confess sins to one another and pray for each other True repentance and confession can lead to spiritual and emotional healing
3. Prayer needs to be offered up in faith
4. Praying in faith is powerful!
1. Praying in faith is effective
1. Example or an ordinary man Elijah fraying for a nation
2. “And Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint on his knees”. Anonymous
5. Praying and Engaging with Believers who Wander from God
1. Pray and humbly talk to the person
2. We do this because we love our brothers and sisters in Christ
Closing: My prayer for all of us that that the Holy Spirit will helps us the reaffirm the importance and power of prayer. I believe that God still hears and answers the prayer of a righteous person. I still believe that God can do great things through the prayers of his people. Are we willing to do a spiritual inventory today on the state of our prayer life?