Pray With Purpose!
Bible Text: Colossians 4 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Is it a fair statement to say that where you spend the majority of your time and money is an indication of your devotion? For example, it you spend a good amount of time in the gym, or spend a considerable sum of money at the mall, or spend many hours in front of the television, one can say your devotion shows in your actions. To be devoted means to continue with doing something no matter what the circumstances. A good illustration of this is a spouse who is fully committed to the other in good times and in difficult times. Our actions will always be a truthful barometer of the objects or activities of our devotion.
Paul gives guidelines to the Christ followers for a meaningful and purposeful prayer life.
1. Guideline 1: A Christ follower ought to be devoted to prayer v. 2
1. We need to be alert (watchful)
1. Open to what God is doing in and around us
2. Be alert that when we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us
3. Be alert to those things that can hinder prayer
2. We need to be thankful (eucharistos)
1. Praising God for who He is e.g. His character
2. Praising Him for all His blessings e.g. count you blessings in the good times and in the bad times
2. Guideline 2: A Christ follower needs to pray with purpose v. 3
1. Pray that God would grant opportunities
1. For the proclamation of the mystery of Christ e.g the gospel to the Jews and the Gentiles
2. For a clear message v. 4
1. It is possible to speak words and not be clear
2. Know your audience
1. Use words they understand
2. Use illustrations they understand
3. Guideline 3: A Christ follower needs to pray for wisdom in our conduct with unbelievers v. 5
1. We need to make the most of every opportunity
2. We need to let our conversation reflect the love of Christ v. 6
1. Our actions need to be tactful and full of God’s wisdom
1. There is a time to speak
2. There is a time not to speak, but just to listen
2. Our conversation needs to be seasoned with salt
1. We will know the right answer to give in every situation
2. Every answer must be given in love and with grace
3. We cannot and should not try to argue someone into the kingdom of God
Closing: So, where how important is prayer in your personal life and church life? Is there anything that needs to be confessed that might hinder your prayers? Please remember prayer is powerful when we pray with God’s purpose and power. This power and purpose come form the Word of God and the Spirit of God.