Pay Attention to God’s Light!
Bible Text: 2 Peter | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Lighthouses are used to guide ships and boats to safety after dark. Many ship’s pilots and captains would tell you how much lighthouses have guided them into safe harbor in the past.
Since the fall of Adam, sin came into the world along with its darkness. There are times when a Christ follower is in the presences of evil, one can sense a cold darkness. You and I need to be reminded of the light that God makes available through His Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the church. In today’s passage, Peter gives us great insights about God’s light to us and a lost world.
Be Reminded vs. 12-15
Our minds need to be woken up
We need reminders to be alert for danger
We need reminders even though we have heard it before
Know The Gospel and the Scriptures Come From God vs. 16
It is not man made or cleverly devised myths
The accounts come from the Old Testament and eye witness accounts
Affirmation came from Heaven with the voice of God
The Transfiguration Matthew 17:1-8
Pay Attention to God’s Light In This Dark World vs. 17-21
The Prophets were God’s light in a dark world
They were completely reliable
A light shining in a dark and dirty place
They called people to repent and confess sin and, by faith, come back to God
Encouragements to our hearts
Prophecy originates with God
They wrote under the power of the Holy Spirit
Their words carried God’s message
Their words carried God’s power
Their words carried God’s authority
Closing: So, permit me to ask some questions:
Will we make ourselves available to God’s reminders to be alert?
Will we be obedient, by faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit to God’s light?
Will we be willing to exercise true faith and repentance in regard to sin?