Parents, Be Spiritually Responsible
Bible Text: Ephesians 5 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
When I was young, I could remember parents saying that the children had to go to church even if they didn’t go. I believe that teaches children that church isn’t really important in life. Now I see many parents modeling that church isn’t important at all. The attitude seems to be, in many cases, we will go if nothing else interferes with our Sunday. I believe that teaches children that church is the place to go if you want to be bored. All of these attitudes are damaging to the family unit and to the local church. I also believe that it is time for parents to step up to their biblical responsibility to raise their children to love God, know Jesus, and serve in the local church.
Culturally speaking: Reference Barna Study, Atheism Doubles Among Generation Z https://www.barna.com/research/atheism-doubles-among-generation-z
God ordained the family unit as the building blocks of a healthy society. When the family unit breaks down, everybody suffers! The Scriptures speaks to parents about their responsibility to raise their children in the Christian faith and to train them to love and serve the local church. Please consider the command in Deuteronomy 6:4.
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we are given valuable instructions about family values that honor Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Responsibility Starts With the Parents
Husbands and Wives: Submit and Honor One Another v. 21-33
Wives’ submit to your husbands
As you would submit to the Lord
Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church
Christ gave himself up for the church
This is a selfless sacrificial love
Children need to obey
Obey them in the Lord
Honor them
Fathers (Single Parents) Teach Your Children
Don’t break their spirit
Train them and instruct them in the things of the Lord
Pray together
For the local church
For each other
Worship together
Even if one of the parents chooses not to come
Lead by example
Fall Deeper in Love with Christ and His Church
Learn to Love like Jesus
We are imperfect and so are churches
Be kind and patient with each other
Closing: Read the pledge in chapter 5 of I Am A Church Member by Thomas Rainer.