"Do You Know the Great I Am?" John 11:1-41he question I ask today is this; Do you know the Great I Am? Since the end of November, we have been…
Intro: This time of year, we will see cover stories on magazines such as, "Who Is Jesus?" or "The Historical Jesus" and many more. Many people today are still trying…
Intro: There are so many "How to" books on the market such as how to be a good parent, how to have a good job, how to have a good…
"Jesus Said, 'I Am the Light of the World'." So What?Intro: Most of us remember the night when the lights went out with superstorm Sandy in late October of 2012.…
Last week, we spoke of some misconceptions about ministry and following Christ. As we come into the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, I would like to suggest that there…
Intro: There are many misconceptions about the nature of ministry in the culture and in the church. For instance, some people believe that a pastor a just opens up the…
Saul's Heart Condition Before His Encounter with Jesus v. 1-2"...breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples."He obtained authorization from the high priest to continue to search for followers of…
Intro: Last week, we talked about four spiritual heart conditions from Acts 8. When you and I put our trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ, we were given…
Intro: When a person has a healthy heart, usually their overall health is good. I don't want to over simplify this. I do know there may be other health issues,…
In this passage of Scripture, Dr. Luke gives us an account of clash between the elite religious establishment and the scandal of the message of Jesus Christ. Stephen gives a…
Intro: As you know, these days we are seeing some very serious dysfunction at many levels. We see it at the individual level, family level, economic level, cultural level, political…
Intro: I am sure you heard of the saying, "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!". Acts 5:12-42 gives us the story of the early church…
Bible Text: Acts 4:31-5:11 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: As you know, the root of all sin is pride. Pride causes us…
Bible Text: Acts 4:23-32 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Last week, we looked at how Peter and John handled themselves when the…
Bible Text: Acts 4:1-22 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Would you agree that there is increasing pressure on evangelicals to conform to…
Bible Text: Acts 3:11-22 | Intro: Please allow me to share a bit of my testimony of how Jesus and the Holy Spirit started to open me up to some…
Bible Text: Acts 3:1-10 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: As you know, scientists and pharmaceutical companies are working hard to develop a…