Our Heart Matters to God!
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Our Heart Matters to God!” 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Intro: We all know how superficial our society and culture can be. We tend to be so preoccupied with looks, possessions, style of clothes, cars, bank accounts, houses, etc. What is worse, we tend to use these superficial measures to evaluate people, especially leaders. We it comes to how God views us, He is never concerned about the superficial stuff. God can see our heart which is where He can see who we actually are.
There is a word which we must look at carefully as we embark on the life of David. The word is character. If I say someone is a character, that has an implication that they may be different in some way. They may act funny or be witty or grumpy, etc. But, if I said that so and so has great character, that implies something must deeper and important. In this passage, God gives us insights about the importance of our character which comes from the heart.
1. Appearance Isn’t Everything
1. This is the focus of our culture
1. Image is everything and therefore, what you do in private is your own business
2. Appearance, charisma, personality, intelligence, etc.
2. God Looks At the Heart
1. David had a heart for God
2. David had a shepherd’s heart
3. David had a faith walk with God
4. Character matters e.g. the fruit of the Spirit
1. Focus on the things of God
2. Focus on how God views people and issues
3. Focus on guarding our hearts
1. Scripture
2. Confession and repentance
3. Worship
4. Relying on the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out.
Closing: Someone once said a good barometer of our character is who we are in private. If there are parts in are private lives that are not congruent with with the image we portray in public, we need to ask God to change us from the inside out. If we let the Word of God and the Spirit of God examine our hearts and we find a lack of the fruit of the Spirit, then you and I have to ask God to help change us from the inside out.
As we come around the communion table, let us take time to confess to God what we are flawed Christ followers who still battle with sin. Let us confession our sins individually and ask God to help us turn away form our sin. Let us receive the forgiveness and restoration that has been won for us at the cross of Christ.