“Only Jesus Can Change a Human Heart!”
Saul’s Heart Condition Before His Encounter with Jesus v. 1-2″…breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.”He obtained authorization from the high priest to continue to search for followers of Christ and take them to prison.Notice, the name given to the gospel is “the Way”Remember, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…”Saul’s Encounter With Grace and Righteousness v. 3-10Notice that Saul was on his way to Damascus to persecute the followers of Christ with the full authority of the high priestA light from heaven was so overwhelming that Saul fell to the groundJesus asked Saul a key questionSaul responds with a key questionJesus identified Himself “I am…””Jesus who you are persecuting”Jesus gives a commandGet up and go into the city and you will be told what to doThere were men traveling with Saul who stood there speechless e.g. they heard the sound, but did not see anyoneSaul obeyed got up from the ground and was blindFor 3 days, Saul was blind and didn’t eat anythingHis friends lead him into Damascus by the handSaul’s heart of pride and powers could only be shattered by the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.Jesus Sends a Messenger of Grace v. 10-19Jesus enlists Ananias v.10He is a discipleJesus gave him a visionGo to SaulJesus gave Saul a vision about AnaniasSaul was praying and Ananias was to lay hands on Saul and restore Saul’s sightAnanias was a bit reluctant because of Saul’s reputationJesus tells Ananias to go…Jesus chose Saul by graceHe is Jesus’ chosen instrument to proclaim Jesus’ Name to the Gentiles, and their kings, and to the people of Israel.Jesus told Ananias that Saul’s ministry service would come through suffering for ChristSaul’s Murderous Heart Changed By GraceNotice, “Brother Saul”The Holy Spirit indwelled Saul when He trusted Christ by faithPaul was baptizedHe ate and his strength was restoredSaul spent some time with the other disciplesA preacher was born Closing: