“Looking Ahead to Our Future!” Part 2 Revelation 21:9-22:5
Some people spend time and money going to fortune tellers, looking to the zodiac, or some other superstition to know their future. Unfortunately, there have been professing Christians who have been caught up into this nonsense.
Would you permit me to be theological about this issue? Only God knows what the future holds for any of us. We don’t even know what will happen in the next five years, ten years, or one thousand years. Let me tell you what the Bible says about our future:
- If we are born-again Christians, when God calls us home, we will be with Christ in heaven.
- If we die rejecting Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we will spend eternity in hell, isolated from God, suffering eternal punishment for sin which we deserve.
- Christ will physically come back to rule this earth for one thousand years.
- At the end of the thousand years, there will be a final battle between Satan and all the people who have rejected Christ as Lord and Savior.
- The Jesus will usher in the new heaven, earth, and eternal state.
- All born-again believers will be with Christ in the eternal state.
- All unbelievers will be in hell suffering eternal punishment and isolation because of sin.
- Reference the Person and work of Jesus.
Let’s investigate this passage and learn more about our future.