“Look At What God Has Done!” Romans 3:27-31
The Bible tells us that we cannot earn our salvation through good works, religious rituals, or religious service, so God is in our debt—God is never indebted to us. It also tells us that our salvation is done through the Person and work of Jesus Christ. We can do nothing to earn it or make God indebted to us. Salvation is done once and for all through the Person and work of Christ. Listen to what Jesus said right after He experienced the full wrath of the Father as He took on my sin and yours. Right before Jesus died, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). This means that the penalty for sin has been paid in full and is done! God freely offers His righteousness and salvation by faith alone in Christ.
Paul wants to drive this home to the churches in Rome in these last verses of chapter three.
He does this by raising four critical theological questions.