February 9, 2020

“Live Wisely!”

Passage: James 3:13-18
Service Type:

Bible Text: James 3:13-18 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Everyone has a worldview. You may not think so, but everything you and I do, we do because of our worldview. The Bible is clear about a real battle that continually takes place in our lives every day. Here is the essence of the battle; who or what will inform our worldview. Will it be the wisdom of the world or godly wisdom.

We need to clear up some confusion before we look into this great passage. There is a vast difference between knowledge and wisdom. We possess more knowledge now than ever before.  It is a fair statement to say that our knowledge is increasing everyday. But the possession of knowledge doesn’t mean we know how to use it well or wisely.  You see,  wisdom is the application of knowledge to life.

James asks a key question in this passage; “Who is wise and understanding among you?”(James 3:13 NIV). James then give us key principles about living well and living wisely in this world.

1. Our Life Shows Our Worldview v. 13b, 17-28
1. Life done with humility and God’s wisdom
1. Lives a good life
2. Evident by good deeds
3. Every decision is informed by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit
1. Wisdom from God is pure
2. It is peace-loving
3. It is considerate
4. It is submissive
5. It is full of mercy and good fruit
6. It is impartial and sincere
7. This is a portrait of a peacemaker who sows in peace and reaps a harvest of righteousness
1. Illus: “Wisdom is seeing things from God’s perspective.” Bill Gothard
2. Life done with the world’s wisdom v. 14-16
1. We need to know the difference between knowledge and wisdom
1. Illus: “Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon
2. Lives are marked with bitter envy and selfish ambition in the heart
1. The big question with worldly wisdom is, “What is in it for me?”.
3. It constant lives in a state of denial or pride
1. The origin of this wisdom
1. Earthly
2. Unspiritual
3. Demonic
2. The result of the world’s wisdom
1. Disorder/chaos
2. Every evil practice

Closing: So, let me ask you this today. How are you viewing the world? Are you willing to evaluate if you are living according to worldly wisdom or God’s wisdom? Who or what is informing your worldview? Are we living wisely and well?
