Live God’s Powerful Plan for His Church
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 1 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Church
What is the definition of a powerful church?
—- Pastor Lou’s Notes ————–
Intro: Background
In a very real sense, what we believe about the future will determine how we live today both individually and as a church. The context of the letter us a major port and road hub for the Roman Empire. Paul wanted to correct some misconceptions about his ministry and the Second coming of the Lord.
1. Stay connected to the Source of our Power v.1
1. The word for church is ekklesia meaning a called out assembly
2. We are intimately connected to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
3. This intimate connection is the only sources of:
1. Corporate grace: undeserved favor and forgiveness
2. Corporate peace: Not only the absence of conflict, but the assurance of a reconciled relationship between us and God
3. Therefore the church is a living and dynamic organism
1. The body of Christ
2. The feet, arms , hands, voice of Christ.
2. Live an Unstoppable adventure McMannus
1. Paul prays for and commends the church
1. Pray and thankfulness go together
2. The people are the fuel for the prayer
3. Prayer establishes a rapport and common ground
2. Powerful churches have a healthy faith
3. Powerful churches have a healthy love
4. Powerful churches have a healthy hope
3. Are you willing to live God’s Powerful Plan for His Church?
1. Reaching out and loving one another
2. Reaching out into the community and loving people
1. Are we willing to change our methods, not the message, in order to reach our community?
2. Are we will to lean how to effectively engage the millennial generation?
3. Are we willing to learn to sing one another songs because we love one another?
3. Are we willing to live God’s power plan for His church?