“Life Is Unfair!” Part 1 7/17/22 Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:6
When we look at life and we experience life, there is no question that you and I have seen evil people get away with what they have done, and good people punished for doing what is correct. Has that ever happened to you?
That great theologian, Charlie Brown , pondering his plight in life, thought, “Yesterday for one brief moment I was happy. But just when I thought I was winning in the game of life, there was a flag thrown down on the play and life dealt me a blow.”
In another “Peanuts” comic strip, there was a conversation between Lucy and Charlie Brown. Lucy said that life is like a deck chair. Some place it so they can see where they are going; some place it so they can see where they have been; some place it so that they can see where they are at present. Charlie Brown’s reply, I can’t even get mine unfolded.”
In this passage the Teacher (Solomon) addresses these issues as he continues to look at life “under the sun”.