Lies and Consequences Part 2
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 22-23 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | — Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: As a Christ follower, have you ever experienced discouragement, disappointments, and failure in your life? Can you name some of those experiences? More often than not, our tendency is to react to these times in ways that are unhealthy for us both spiritually and emotionally. God in these two chapters of 1 Samuel show us that it is during those times of our lives that He is willing and able to transform us from the inside out to be the kingdom people He knows we could be.
Booker T. Washington in his book Up From Slavery wrote this profound statement: “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” I believe that our current culture sets wrong measures of what real success looks like.
When you and I take time and talk to God and let Him talk to us through His Word, the Holy Spirit, prayer, and worship, we now can respond in His power to enter into His training. This is training that will help us be a success for the glory of God. Here are some valuable insights as to how we can utilize our difficult times so that God can transform us from the inside out to be the people He wants us to be.
Read Psalm 142
God Gives Us Family and Friends 22:1-5
David’s family goes to be with him
Jonathan point’s David to God’s faithfulness and power
God Will Redirect Our Focus 23:1-6
God sends four hundred broken and hurting people who are looking for a leader who can identify with them.
David and theses broken men are being trained for the kingdom work of God
David’s direction from God to Save Keilah
God Will Helps Us to Know and Trust Him in Deeper Ways 23:7-28
Each time you and I hit the wall, God will train and transform us for His kingdom and glory if we let Him.
He will grow our faith, spiritual strength, character, and perseverance if we let Him