“Let’s Get Real With God!”
Bible Text: James 4:1-10 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | Intro: Last week we talk about worldly wisdom and godly wisdom. This week James will speak to a tension we all feel at times. When we are not walking with God through the power of the Holy Spirit, many times we try to keep on foot planted in the world’s system and one foot planted in the kingdom of God. let me illustrate how dangerous this can be: the boar at the dock…
Underlying this tension is a battle that starts in our hearts and minds: The daily decision to submit to out pleasures and desires or to submit to God’s pleasures and desires.
1. The Causes of Fights and Quarrels With Others v. 1-3
1. Desires that battle within us
1. Coveting
1. Desires blocked
2. Asking with wrong motives
3. Submitting to our pleasures
2. Don’t Submit to the world’s system and desires v. 4-6
1. We break our fellowship with God
2. We become enemies of God
3. We commit adultery against God
1. We grieve the Holy Spirit
2. God opposes the proud
3. God’s Solution v. 7-12
1. Submit to God
2. Resist the devil
3. Come near to God
4. Repent of sin
5. The promise: The Lord will lift is up
Closing: So, how is our relationship with the Lord today? More specifically, how is our fidelity towards God? Do our pursuit of worldly desires crowd out our relationship with God? Here are some diagnostic tools: when we don’t get our way or our desires are blocked for any reason, do we act like a spoiled child? Are our desires for worldly pleasures greater than our desire for God?