Let Jesus Open Our Hearts!
April 8, 2018

Let Jesus Open Our Hearts!

Passage: Luke 24
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 24 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship

— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: When I work with Christ followers in a discipleship process, I will commonly ask them to do a timeline of their lives for several purposes. Two of those purposes are: 1) to see how Jesus sought them in their life’s journey; 2) to gain a sense of Jesus is leading you now. Please allow me to share with you a brief portion of my timeline with you…

Let’s look at a brief portion of the timeline for two men who were on their life’s journey. In today’s passage, we find that on the same day the Jesus was raised from the dead, there were two men who were in Jerusalem and witnessed Jesus go to the cross. They were discouraged because they hopes and dreams seem to be buried with Jesus in the grace. They were discourage because they did really recognize and know what kind of Messiah Jesus is. They were going back to Emmaus towards the sunset in discouragement. Even as a Christ follower, have you ever be confused, discouraged, and brokenhearted? In this passage, Dr. Luke gives us some amazing insights about the love and grace of Jesus during times of spiritual blindness which causes discouragement and broken dreams.

Jesus Seeks Us

He sound out the two men
He asked questions to engage their hearts and minds

They knew a lot about Jesus, but really didn’t know him personally
For some reason, God didn’t want them to recognize Jesus at this point in time

Jesus’ revelation seems to be gradual
Jesus Walks With Us

He walks with us on our journey
He wants to be a part of the discussion

They had misconceptions of Jesus the Messiah
God’s plan and timing is not our plan and timing
Jesus Gives Us Hope Through His Word

He explained the Scriptures clearly and exactly

Jesus gave them an Old Testament course in the Scriptures of Himself
Jesus gave them a chance to trust what Scripture said about Him
He explained the Scriptures in a manner the penetrated their hearts

Jesus wasn’t interested in just a head knowledge of facts
God’s truth about His righteousness and grace in Christ is able to do deep heart surgery
Jesus Will Open Our Hearts If We Let Him

He opens our hearts as we have His truth in our hearts and intimate communion with Him
He will give us hope that is anchored in His love, grace, and truth
He helps us to trust His Word
He turns the darkness of a sunset into dawn!
He will empower us the share our testimony

Closing: In view of the magnificent love and grace of Jesus, the question this morning is, will you invite Jesus into your discouragement? He is seeking to be with you. He wants to walk with you in your journey. He wants to give you hope through His Word. He wants to open your heart. Will you give Him the opportunity to turn you hopelessness into to hope and confirmation?

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