Learn, Train and Go – Part 4
Bible Text: Psalm 51 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s —
God’s desire for all of us is to learn, train, and go. God’s also desire that we learn and know first hand that loving obedience to Him, His Word, under the power of the Holy Spirit, is best for our lives. We need to understand that in this day and age, even the evangelical church may view God’s grace as tolerance. Please understand, God views sin seriously and deals with sin severely. Jesus gave His life to atone for our sin. Therefore, God offers us forgiveness that we don’t deserve through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. So, what does God want us to do when we fail and sin? Therefore,as we go through failure, trails, and setbacks, God can teach us four very important lessons.
1. We learn the great fruit of a broken and contrite heart Psam 51:17
1. Repentance and Confession
2. Prepares the heart for receiving God’s forgiveness
3. Grace always conquers sin
4. We cannot do this one our own
1. The work of the Holy Spirit from start to finish
2. Legalism doesn’t keep us from sinning
3. Only a change of mind and heart produced by the Holy Spirit can change us from the inside out
2. We learn and experience personally the love of God John 21:15-17
1. God always stands ready to forgive
2. God never stops loving us even when we fail Him
3. God wants His best for us
3. We can experience the bigger plan of God John 21:15-17; Psalm 51:12-15
1. He doesn’t want us to live defeated lives
2. He wants us to be part of His bigger plan
4. We learn to be compassionate servants for His kingdom
1. We learn and develop compassion for the struggles of others
2. We learn to come along side others and point them to the grace of God then minister in grace.
Closing and Challenge:
1. Ask the Spirit of God to reveal to you what needs to change in our lives in order to please God
2. Then, in loving obedience, in the power of the Holy Spirit, ask Him for the desire and power to repent
3. With the Spirit’s help, the first step of faith in obedience.